The state election in NRW was a drumbeat in several directions. Special attention should be paid to the historically low voter turnout of only 55.5 %. We are convinced that this resulted from an election campaign in which two recent governments primarily blamed each other instead of presenting new ideas.
This makes it clear why a new political force like the Liberal Democrats is needed. This is also confirmed by our party's election result in Aachen, where Paul Vossiek stood as a direct candidate. The almost 0.4% of the vote that he received there is the best result that our party has been able to achieve in its recent past.And this despite the fact that it was a kind of training election campaign in which much of the potential that already exists today has not even been mobilised.
The considerable growth in membership in the country and the experience gained during the election campaign encourage us in our political activity. In particular, we will now have the opportunity to become active in more places with local teams and thus expand our political movement from the grassroots. Our thanks go to all voters who have already trusted us with their vote. Even without a mandate, we will exhaust all our extra-parliamentary possibilities in the next five years to stand up for their interests.