Liberale Demokraten Aachen

Aachen is one of our most active local groups. We were on the ballot paper here for the first time in the 2022 state elections. We are already helping to shape local politics through our citizens' petitions.

Unser Ziel ist derzeit, bei den Kommunalwahlen 2025 mit einer zugkräftigen Liste auf den Wahlzetteln zu erscheinen, um dich in Zukunft im Rat vertreten zu dürfen. Auf dieser Seite erfährst du alles, was du über unsere Werte, Inhalte und Ziele wissen musst!

Folge uns auf Social Media, um auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben:

Our Key Issues for Aachen

Public Transport

The traffic situation in Aachen is frustrating for everyone. The roads are full, cycle paths are unsafe, buses are cancelled, late or leave too early. We are convinced that the solution is a much stronger focus on public transport. With efficient, reliable services, fewer people will be dependent on a car for their daily journeys. This means fewer traffic jams and more space for safe cycling infrastructure.

Specifically, we are in favour of further developing the Regiotram concept into a tram network that runs through the entire city. In addition to the frequency of service, accessibility is also key.


Like many large cities in NRW, Aachen has an obvious problem with homelessness.

In the fight against homelessness in Aachen, we follow the motto "Housing First". In this model, homeless people are initially provided with a safe home unconditionally. This gives those affected the security they need to work with social workers to tackle the problems that led to their homelessness.

We are also calling for a reduction in bureaucracy in order to give homeless people access to resources that are already available today.

Prosperity & Housing

In order for people in Aachen to lead a good life, they first and foremost need good job opportunities and affordable housing.

With its universities, Aachen is uniquely placed to become a centre of cutting-edge technology. For this to succeed, it depends on a partnership between business and politics and competitive conditions in Aachen.

We can only create adequate living space if more is built. It is the role of politics to use the right areas correctly for this.

This is who we are

We are a liberal party. This means that we act sustainably, fight poverty, create opportunities for upward mobility and secure prosperity and civil rights.

Social liberalism is the idea that motivated all our members in Aachen to get involved in politics. We want to bring politics that follows the basic idea of respecting personal freedom to Aachen.

Most of our members are currently students, so the average age is correspondingly young.

Paul Vossiek
Local political spokesperson

So engagieren wir uns bereits

How you can participate

In order to make a difference in politics, more people must finally get involved in politics. New ideas need many strong voices to develop them further, publicise them and defend them in the political debate. That's why we need people like you to become members of our party.

Party membership is not only the best way to make a difference to politics in Aachen and Germany, but is also an opportunity for you to develop your skills and meet new people. As a member, you can, for example:

  • Come to all our events and share your opinion
  • Help create new policy papers
  • Advance proposals and campaigns together with us in order to change Aachen
  • Be a candidate yourself
  • Learn lots of new things, for example, how good social media work works
  • Learn from other members about their speciality topics & teach them about yours

By the way: If you're not quite sure whether you're ready to become a member, you can also simply register as a supporter. If you do, we'll keep you up to date on everything that's happening with us and you'll already have the opportunity to come to events and work with us.